Meeting Date:           July 17, 2004                                      Budgeted: N/A

Program/Line Item No.: N/A

Staff Contact:             Henrietta Stern                                  Cost Estimate: N/A


General Counsel Approval:  N/A     

Committee Recommendation: N/A

CEQA Compliance: N/A


The purpose of the MPWMD Public Information Program is to more effectively communicate factual information about the District mission, its activities, and water issues to the public.  The following paragraphs highlight activities in the April-June 2004 period.  The next quarterly report will be prepared for the October 2004 meeting.


Public Outreach/Communications Committee -- The committee members as of January 2004 are Larry Foy, Michelle Knight (Chairperson) and Dave Potter, with Alvin Edwards as alternate.  The committee met on March 8 and reviewed the text for the District’s annual report for calendar year 2003, and recommended approval.  The committee recommended that the next newsletter be issued in mid-2004 so that more substantive information on progress on water augmentation and conservation/permitting activities could be reported.  However, as part of the budget process, funding for newsletters was cut in June 2004.


District Staff Action -- During this reporting period, District staff continued to write news releases on Board action and notable District activities, answer questions from the media and general public on a variety of subjects, maintain the District website (, and related activities.  As of March 15, 2004, all regular Board meetings and significant workshops are televised on Cable Channel 25 from the Monterey City Council Chambers. 


Senate Bill 1529 (McPherson), which called for the dissolution of the District, required extensive staff effort as directed by the Board and Chairperson.  Staff prepared educational information about District functions and achievements, and responded to questions from elected officials, the media and public.  Staff updated the District website on the progress of several bills that affected District governance and water-related issues. 


District staff and consultants prepared text of a Draft 2003 District Annual Report, which was accepted by the Board at its March 15, 2004 meeting.  Publication of the annual report, including many additional charts and photographs, should be completed by late July 2004. 


District staff continues to respond to many queries about water distribution system regulations, pending legislation, water availability, and other related issues through a variety of media (phone, e-mail, letter).  Several District staff members regularly update information on the District website.  A staff team is working on a comprehensive re-design of the website as time allows. 

